Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Why Hackers Can Target your Website?

Today website hacking does not limited to any one aspect or motive, there are different purpose for which websites are hacked now on a daily basis.
Defacement of website is generally what is considered as website hacking but it is not all, there is a lot more to it and is more than other things. Talking about website hacking we have classified the most sought reasons, 

which are as follows:
  • Lack of Awareness
  • Economic Gains
  • System resources
  • Revenge Hacking or Competition
  • Showing off skills
  • Script Kiddies

Lack of Awareness

This is one of the major cause of low security of the websites. People work on the outdated technologies and software, and also do not apply the vendor patches. They do not have any security measures installed to protect their websites against the attacks. This happens due to overconfidence or no knowledge about the security.
There are new ways and new vulnerabilities revealed every day which may or may not concern you but it may harm the website in some aspects, thus proper security and care of the website is very important. Once the user lose confidence due to website failure they will move to alternatives which will be a loss to the company. So to avoid this proper security measures are very important.

Economic Gains

As the name suggests this type of hacking is for Monitory Benefits. The attack of this kind are known as Drive by downloads and Blackhat SEO campaigns. Drive by Download means injecting some malicious code into the website and then affecting all the users of that website, by downloading the malicious files to their systems while Blackhat SEO refers to redirecting users to different websites which may have not been intent of the users. In this way, there will be a sense of dismal among the users giving a bad impression of the website and ultimately affecting the number of visits.
Example: Downloading a malware on user system and getting all credentials such as usernames and passwords of all the websites visited, including financial details.

System Resources

This is also a major cause for hacking of websites, the hackers use the resources such as bandwidth and physical server resources for their illegal purposes. The hackers compromise the website using the Bots and the Malicious Scripts which give them access to the server and they can use the resources as an administrator.
The bots can be used in different kind of distributed web attacks like Dos attacks, Brute force attacks or other automated attacks against other websites. Due to these illegal activities from your website your host may shut you down causing a lot of trouble for you and your users.
Example: Hacking to store illegal pirated software copies and pornographic contents. Also indulging in DOS attacks and DDOS

Revenge Hacking or Competition

Due to High competition in today’s world for providing services, there is a greater probability of your website getting hacked for the benefit of other websites.
Also the losses suffered by others due to your good services may come as a revenge threat. There may be some group of people who would like to bring down your website to bring a bad name and a situation of distrust among the users.
Example: Company A & B are into same business, A gets Hacked so the customers of A will be going to B for services thus eliminating A as a competition.

Show Off

Several Hackers just hack the websites for fun and showing off theirs skills to the hacker community to get name and fame. This kind of hacking is done without any purpose it just exploits the security vulnerabilities present in your website. There are a lot of hackers of this kind who continuously look out for vulnerable websites and hack them thus affecting the website and its services for quite some time.
Example: Posting the defaced website links and screen shots on public domain with the coded name and claiming to have hacked it.

Script Kiddies

Script Kiddies are the people who do not have the working knowledge of the computer and networks, they are people who are trying to hack a website using the scripts written by other hackers without understanding the process of hacking.
Script Kiddies do these things to make themselves famous among their peers to get recognition as a hacker or to attract attention of someone. There is no other motive than this, and any website having vulnerability can be exploited by the script kiddies, which will hinder the services of the website and will upset the users.


As your website holds your presence online therefore it is important to secure it. Also it gives your some revenue from the advertisements if it holds any. People are less aware of the website security threats in compare to web applications which leads them to be an easy bait for the hackers to bring down their website.
People will lose their trust on your services if your website is hacked, therefore proper security methods are required to secure your website from the threats, which can be implemented after a security audit by a professional or security company.
We are offering such website security services at a very decent price of $99, if you need any kind of security services do contact us at

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