Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Hacking: A growing threat to Indian IT

NEW DELHI: The recent data theft by hackers from two Indian companies processing prepaid cards for several overseas banks, which led to a global fraud of 45 million dollars, has made India's 100 billion dollar IT industry a primary target of spam, phishing and viruses. The security breach has reopened the debate on IT security norms followed by Indian firms and the role played by 'ethical' hackers.
A gang of cyber-criminals operating in 26 countries stole $45 million by hacking their way into a database in the second week of May 2013. Another incident which happened recently is of Rs 2.4 crore heist by cyber criminals who hacked into the Mumbai-based current account of the RPG Group of companies.
There have been many attempts by 'ethical' hackers going rogue, resulting in the breach of cyber security of companies as well as individuals, causing financial loss and damage of reputation. The 45 million dollars heist, the News International phone hacking scandal, Indian hackers' retaliatory attack against Brazilian or Bangladeshi counterparts, etc, leaves the victims defaced and robbed.
Reportedly, a group of anonymous hackers from India hacked and defaced 37 Brazilian websites. The attacks were apparently in retaliation to the April 6 cyberattacks on Indian government websites supposedly by Brazil-based hackers. Although there is a nationalistic tinge to the whole scenario, it could prove disastrous if not monitored and channelised.
Lords of Dharmaraja is also alleged to have hacked and posted a threat by uploading the secret documents, memos, and source code of Symantec's product on Pastebin.
It is indeed tough to define something as diverse as hacking. Is it ethical for any computer expert to infiltrate into another person's websites and e mail accounts? Yes, if it is a trustful 'hacker' who uses his ethics and software expertise to strengthen his employers' security apparatus from the hackers with mal intentions. Also, if done for the cause national security. But, if a computer wizard illegally gains access to someone's computer by pretending to be a bonafide entity for fulfilling a personal agenda, then that is a cause for serious concern.
In India, according to Microsoft, 'ethical' hacking is synonymous with prominent names like Ankit Fadia, Sunny Vaghela, Pranav Mistry, Vivek Ramachandran, Koushik Dutta, Aseem Jakhar ,Arulselvar and a few more.
Ankit Fadia, a world-renowned 'ethical' Indian hacker, described the cyber security threat as a menace. "Identity theft of Indian IT firms is rather common. Hackers have the potential to damage the reputation of a bonafide IT firm by stealing their identity and engaging in unscrupulous activities under the corporate's garb that can have disastrous consequence and tarnish reputation. In fact, such misdemeanors could go unnoticed for years together if not detected and rectified in time," he said.
There are quite a few ethical hacking groups in India, like the Indian Cyber Army aka Indishell, Team NUTS, Team Gray Hat, BriskInfoSec Lords of Dharmaraja and the Indian Cyber Devils, that have reportedly been working to safeguards India's cyber space.
An ethical hacking group, on conditions of anonymity, revealed that even while working on a national cause, they may masquerade as an information security company to register domains or create malware in order to protect themselves and get back at their arch-rivals - Information Security and anti-virus companies.
Imparting ethical hacking training is like treading on dangerous grounds, as it raises questions like are these activities justified? Can there be a guarantee that these groups will refrain from crossing the line of mandate? And, is anyone safe in this scenario?
In India, there are a number of training institutes that empower the youth in latest ethical hacking tools & techniques. Institutes like Techdefence, K-Secure CEH, IntelleSecure Network Solutions, Crezone, BriskInfoSec and Kyrion are few of them. However, the most popular certification is CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) by an American organisation called EC Council, and training material of almost every institute is shaped around its curriculum.
Ethical hacking ensures that the cyber security infrastructure of a private organization as well as government bodies is robust and secure. Although ethical hackers are fast becoming a tribe in India, it is critical to monitor them along with their training institutes. Trainers need to be conscious of imparting this knowledge while setting up the curriculum. Perhaps, it would be prudent for the government to intervene in designing the curriculum and set a minimum age of 18 to shoulder responsibility of such potent knowledge.

Apple's Developers Website Hacked; Shut Down

Bangalore: Apple developers around the word were aghast since the website- developer.apple.com- shutdown on Thursday last week. At first the users too it has a site crash, but today Apple said that it was because of hacking. It also said that the information about some of its 275,000 registered third-party developers who use it may have been stolen, reports The Guardian.

Apple has sent out emails to developers informing them that its developer website was attacked by an outsider last week, AllThingsD reports. The company has stated in the mail that it was due to an intruder’s intervention that it had to shut its developer’s website. On the safety front, Apple has claimed that since the database and information regarding developer’s sensitive personal details had been saved in an encrypted format, these could not be misused by the intruder. Though, it has also mentioned that the attacker might have been able to access developers name, mailing addresses, and/or email addresses.

Apple’s developer site had been shut since Thursday and it had initially said it was down for maintenance, only now revealing the real cause. According to the note sent to developers, the website will remain shut for security reasons, and will be unavailable until the company hardens the security and provides a better safety system. The note also includes that they are “completely overhauling our developer systems, updating our server software, and rebuilding our entire database.”

Apple has not mentioned any detail on when exactly will it reopen for the developers, and has stated that “we expect to have the developer website up again soon.”

The website is updated now, and is reopened for users.

The Apple developer site can be used by developers to get access to iOS 7, OS X Mavericks and other software development kits. It also guides developers in putting their apps to beta testers, and comes with developer-only forums.

Here is the note sent out to the developers:

Apple Developer Website Update

Last Thursday, an intruder attempted to secure personal information of our registered developers from our developer website. Sensitive personal information was encrypted and cannot be accessed, however, we have not been able to rule out the possibility that some developers’ names, mailing addresses, and/or email addresses may have been accessed. In the spirit of transparency, we want to inform you of the issue. We took the site down immediately on Thursday and have been working around the clock since then.

In order to prevent a security threat like this from happening again, we’re completely overhauling our developer systems, updating our server software, and rebuilding our entire database. We apologize for the significant inconvenience that our downtime has caused you and we expect to have the developer website up again soon.


Security Misconfiguration is one of the top 10 OWASP risks for web application that may give attackers unauthorized access to some system data or functionality. Occasionally, such flaws result in a complete system compromise.
Security misconfiguration can happen at any level of an application stack, including the platform, web server, application server, framework, and custom code. Developers and network administrators need to work together to ensure that the entire stack is configured properly. Automated scanners are useful for detecting missing patches, misconfigurations, use of default accounts, unnecessary services, etc.
Out of several vulnerability checks mentioned on OWASP Security Misconfiguration page, one of the check is following:
Is your error handling set up to prevent stack traces and other overly informative error messages from leaking?
Recently, while doing doing vulnerability assessment at random for some of the top financial websites, I came across this vulnerability:
At this stage, if a user enters the mobile number, he is proceeded with normal registration page.
However, now change the URL manually, and you get an error stacktrace such as following. Notice the change. I changed from execution=e2s1 to execution=1234.
Above stacktrace reveals so much information about the platform in general. Following are some key details:
  1. Application Server is Apache Tomcat 6.0.26
  2. Component model is based on spring framework
  3. Registration is using Spring Web flow
  4. Server side programming is based on Java, most probably.
Above can be used by hackers to know about the system very easily, and explore the security holes in various softwares/technology mentioned above to attack.
Application server logging shall be configured to show a generic error page against such stack traces.