Thursday, 10 November 2016

F-Scrack service weak password detection script

  1. Write a python function <br> lightweight weak password detection script, currently supports the following services: FTP, MYSQL, MSSQL, MONGODB , REDIS, TELNET, ELASTICSEARCH, POSTGRESQL. 
  2. Features <br> command-line, single-file, green, easy to use in each case.
    Without any external library and external program support, all protocols are used socket and built-in library for testing.
    Compatible OSX, LINUX, WINDOWS, Python 2.6 + (lower version of your own tests, theoretically can run). 
  3. Parameter Description
    Python -h 192.168.1 [-p 21,80,3306] [-m 50] [-t 10]
    -h must enter the parameters to support ip (, ip segment (192.168.1), ip range specified (, ip list file (ip.ini), limit up to one scan 65,535 IP.
    -p Specifies that multiple ports be used, such as 1433, 3306, 5432, to scan the port list. Unspecified Scanning with built-in default port (21,23,1433,3306,5432,6379,9200,11211,27017)
    -m Specifies the default thread count of 100 threads
    -t Specifies the time-out for the request.
    -d Specifies the password dictionary.
    -n Do not perform live detection (ICMP) to scan directly.   
  4. Use examples
    Python -h 10.111.1
    Python -h -d pass.txt
    Python -h -p 3306,5432 -m 200 -t 6
    Python -h ip.ini -n    
  5. Special Statement <br> This script is only available for authorized penetration testing as well as its own security detection.
    This script is for learning and use only, is free to improve, forbidden to extract to join any commercial product.   

How to install and use : 

Download tool :