Monday 4 April 2016

Web App for Volatility framework


Runs plugins and stores the output in a mongo database. Extracts files from plugins (that support dump-dir) and stores them in the database Search across all plugins and file content with string search and yara rules. Allows you to work on multiple images in one database 

How to install 

Ubuntu 14.04

This install has been tested on Ubuntu 14.04 x64 Both server and desktop platforms. The steps should work for later versions but are not tested. After successfully installing Ubuntu follow these steps to get a functional VolUtility interface.
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip git 
$ sudo pip install django distorm3 pymongo pycrypto 
Follow the official steps to install the correct Mongo v3.2 on your system. (Anything 3.0 or higher will work)
We need volatility 2.5 or later.
$ cd ~/
$ git clone
$ cd volatility
$ sudo python install
Get VolUtility
$ cd ~/
$ git clone 
How to Run  
Running the application is relatively simple.
cd in to the VolUtility folder.
$ ./ runserver
By default makes the web appliance available on all configured interfaces. You can change this by setting to a specific address or to for local access only.
The port 8000 can also be changed to suit your needs.
Once started point your browser at the IP:Port and you should be greeted with the VolUtility landing page.