Friday, 2 October 2015

wordpress exploit unauthorized shell tools

  • There is so many themes/plugins for Wordpress available from 3rd party developers, and people usually don't audit them before installing them. Since the entry barrier for PHP is very low, a lot of those 3rd party developers have no/poor IT security knowledge
I think one of the most possible scenario is where a Wordpress setup is configured with a plugin/theme which allows anonymous uploads. 

Basicly, you
  1. Need to make sure unauthorized/anonymous uploads are not allowed
  2. Move uploaded files out of the web root directory
  3. Verify the content to make sure only what you expect gets uploaded and saved

proof of concept : 

"Please note, this picture  is just for educational purposes, every attempt to illegal hack intro third party system(s), you might be punished in accordance your country national law"

Download link :