Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Auto Local Privilege Escalation Tool

An automated script that download potential exploit for linux kernel from exploitdb, and compile them automatically
This script is created due to Hackademics, there are so much possible exploit for that version of kernel, as a rookie OSCP student, I am not able to find out the correct exploit, also I am too lazy to test them one by one. So I hope this script can help me in the future.
First, it search for linux pirvilege escalation from the exploitdb in local directory by searchsploit.
Pass in the kernel version as first parameter, it lists potential exploit, and ask if you want to copy them from the local directory.
After that, it asks if you want to compile the downloaded C file.
Then, it will ask if you want to make a tar ball of the directory.
And it will show the summary of the downloaded files.

How to use  

Download tool :