Google hacking is the use of a search engine, such as Google, to locate a security vulnerability on the Internet. There are generally two types of vulnerabilities to be found on the Web: software vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.
Google hacking involves using advanced operators in the Google search engine to locate specific strings of text within search results. Some of the most popular examples are finding specific versions of vulnerable Web applications. The following search query would locate all web pages that have that particular text contained within them.
Google hacking is the use of a search engine, such as Google, to locate a security vulnerability on the Internet. There are generally two types of vulnerabilities to be found on the Web: software vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.
Google hacking involves using advanced operators in the Google search engine to locate specific strings of text within search results. Some of the most popular examples are finding specific versions of vulnerable Web applications. The following search query would locate all web pages that have that particular text contained within them.
First, let’s understand how Google search engine will consider different symbols and meaning of it.
SNO Symbols How to Use
1. + Search for Google pages and blood groups
E.g. +chrome or AB+
2. @ To find social tags
E.g. @googler
3. $ To find price
E.g. Canon $300
4. # To find hashtags of treading topics
E.g. newyearparty
5. – Using – before word or site will exclude the word or site. Usually one word has many meaning Jaguar the animal and Jaguar the car.
6. “ The result will include pages with the same words in same order as in the quotes.
E.g. “Imagine all the People”
7. * Add an asterisk as a place holder for any unknown or wildcard terms.
E.g. “a * saved * is a * earned”
8. .. Separate numbers by two periods without spaces to see results that contain numbers in range.
E.g. Camera $50 . . $100
First, let’s understand how Google search engine will consider different symbols and meaning of it.
SNO | Symbols | How to Use |
1. | + | Search for Google pages and blood groups
E.g. +chrome or AB+
2. | @ | To find social tags
E.g. @googler
3. | $ | To find price
E.g. Canon $300
4. | # | To find hashtags of treading topics
E.g. newyearparty
5. | – | Using – before word or site will exclude the word or site. Usually one word has many meaning Jaguar the animal and Jaguar the car. |
6. | “ | The result will include pages with the same words in same order as in the quotes.
E.g. “Imagine all the People”
7. | * | Add an asterisk as a place holder for any unknown or wildcard terms.
E.g. “a * saved * is a * earned”
8. | .. | Separate numbers by two periods without spaces to see results that contain numbers in range.
E.g. Camera $50 . . $100
These are the advanced operators in Google hacking
Sno Advanced Operators How to use
1 Intitle Searches for strings in the title of the pages.
E.g. title: webinar
( finds pages with “webinar” in the page title)
2 all in title Searches for all string within the page title.
E.g. all in title: webinar Briskinfosec
(Finds pages with “webinar” and “Briskinfosec” in the page title)
3 Inurl Searches for strings in the URL
E.g. inurl: webinar
(Find pages with the string “conference” in the URL)
4 allinurl Searches for all strings in the URL
E.g. allinurl: webinar Briskinfosec
(Find pages with string “conference” & “ Brisk” in the URL)
5 info Info about a page
E.g. info:
(Finds information about the Google website)
6 filetype Searches for files with files extension.
E.g. filetype:ppt
(Finds information about the Google website)
7 Cache Display the Google cache of the page
E.g. cache:
(shows the cached version of the page without performing the search)
8 Link Linked pages
E.g. link:
(Finds pages that link to the given URL).
9 related Related pages of the given domain name
E.g. related:
(finds pages that links to the given URL)
10 site Searches only one website
E.g. webinar site:
(searches briskinfosec site for webinar info)
These are the advanced operators in Google hacking
Sno | Advanced Operators | How to use |
1 | Intitle | Searches for strings in the title of the pages.
E.g. title: webinar
( finds pages with “webinar” in the page title)
2 | all in title | Searches for all string within the page title.
E.g. all in title: webinar Briskinfosec
(Finds pages with “webinar” and “Briskinfosec” in the page title)
3 | Inurl | Searches for strings in the URL
E.g. inurl: webinar
(Find pages with the string “conference” in the URL)
4 | allinurl | Searches for all strings in the URL
E.g. allinurl: webinar Briskinfosec
(Find pages with string “conference” & “ Brisk” in the URL)
5 | info | Info about a page
E.g. info:
(Finds information about the Google website)
6 | filetype | Searches for files with files extension.
E.g. filetype:ppt
(Finds information about the Google website)
7 | Cache | Display the Google cache of the page
E.g. cache:
(shows the cached version of the page without performing the search)
8 | Link | Linked pages
E.g. link:
(Finds pages that link to the given URL).
9 | related | Related pages of the given domain name
E.g. related:
(finds pages that links to the given URL)
10 | site | Searches only one website
E.g. webinar site:
(searches briskinfosec site for webinar info)